Monday - Friday
8:00 - 4:30


379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Active Solicitors in Hillsborough Township

As of February 7, only 3 solicitors licenses are active in Hillsborough. A licensed solicitor is permitted to hawk, sell, or solicit door-to-door, street-to-street, or place-to-place business in Hillsborough Township. 

  • Parker Gleason - Power Home Remodel (Expires 9/6/2024)
  • Robert Foster - Power Home Remodel (Expires 9/6/2024)
  • James Semsel of Century 21 Real Estate (Expires 1/23/2025

You can report any unlicensed business soliciting in your neighborhood to the police department’s non-emergency number at 908-369-4323. Please note that this doesn’t include political or religious canvassing. The Administration Department maintains a list of active solicitors on that department’s homepage. 
